Passive control devices are often added to slender and flexible systems in order to increase their structural safety. Among them, the Tuned Liquid Column Damper (TLCD) proved to be very effective in reducing vibration of various type of structures by means of a combined action which involves the motion of the liquid mass within the tube. Since the increasing use of TLCD in practical realizations, in this paper an approximated simplified formulation for the design of TLCD, previously developed by the same authors through a stochastic linearization technique [1], has been studied by means of a parametric analysis in a stochastic framework. It is shown that results obtained via Monte Carlo approach on the nonlinear system are in very good agreement with those obtained by means of the proposed simplified formulation. As application, the optimal TLCD’s parameter configuration have been computed by means of an hybrid optimization procedure for two benchmark case studies
Numerical validation of an approximate formulation for the design of TLCD
Passive control devices are often added to slender and flexible systems in order to increase their structural safety. Among them, the Tuned Liquid Column Damper (TLCD) proved to be very effective in reducing vibration of various type of structures by means of a combined action which involves the motion of the liquid mass within the tube. Since the increasing use of TLCD in practical realizations, in this paper an approximated simplified formulation for the design of TLCD, previously developed by the same authors through a stochastic linearization technique [1], has been studied by means of a parametric analysis in a stochastic framework. It is shown that results obtained via Monte Carlo approach on the nonlinear system are in very good agreement with those obtained by means of the proposed simplified formulation. As application, the optimal TLCD’s parameter configuration have been computed by means of an hybrid optimization procedure for two benchmark case studiesI documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.