An effective heritage management system must take into consideration three key elements, namely a legal framework of reference that defines the reasons behind its very existence, an institution that gives shape to organizational and decision-making needs, and the human, financial and intellectual resources used to make it operational. Once the aim and meaning of these three key elements have been clarified, it becomes eas ier to plan, implement and monitor the actions identified in order to en sure the conservation and the management of the assets and their asso ciated values in a sustainable manner. The aim of management systems is to achieve results for the benefit of the site and its stakeholders. They include cycles of planning, implemen tation and monitoring to execute activities aimed at conservation, inter pretation and access to the site, including a sustainable use and benefit sharing. Obviously, each management system needs to be reviewed and updated on a regular basis in order to respond to changes in the site and its con text, so that the necessary corrections can be made. Through the powerful work undertaken by Civita for the simultaneous updating of the three Management Plans of the UNESCO sites of “Val di Noto”, “Syracuse and the Rocky Necropolis of Pantalica” and “Villa Ro mana del Casale” at Piazza Armerina, the aim was to achieve an unprec edented integrated system of the three different Plans, relating to three different contiguous sites. Thanks to this new and extraordinary coordi nation, it will be possible to draw mutual benefits, economies of scale and common strategies that are related for example to the unpredictability of the risk of natural disasters or to fluctuations in financial resources. Particular emphasis should be given to the participatory approach used in the drafting of the three Management Plans, through the shared under standing of the site, and its identity, by all stakeholders who were involved in the construction of technical contributions. The latter is a prerequisite to be involved in management processes and also the foundation of that efficiency in terms of responsiveness that only the continuous exchange of outcomes and outputs can ensure, fuelling the monitoring and repro gramming phases.
L’iscrizione di un sito nella lista del Patrimonio Mondiale non sancisce solo il riconoscimento della sua importanza, ma costituisce una responsabilità nei confronti di un patrimonio che non è più da considerare ap- partenente alla sola realtà locale e nazionale, bensì diviene mondiale, ovvero dell’intera umanità, in un discorso che ingloba generazioni passate, presenti e future. Questo prezioso riconoscimento rende il sito unico, di eccezionale valore a livello mondiale e, pertanto, tutta la comunità internazionale è tenuta a partecipare alla sua salvaguardia. Al tempo stesso, l’inserimento nella lista UNESCO si configura come una preziosa occasione di riflessione e di analisi delle opportunità per uno sviluppo capace di coinvolgere tutte le risorse locali di valore del territorio più ampio, in un insieme di azioni integrate di tutela, conservazione e valorizzazione culturale ed economica. Nel progettare l’aggiornamento del Piano di Gestione del sito “villa romana del Casale”, redatto nel 2012, si è voluto risolvere una serie di anomalie e criticità che hanno caratterizzato la storia del sito. Innanzitutto, si aggiorna un Piano di Gestione redatto ben quindici anni dopo l’iscrizione nella World Heritage List (avvenuta nel 1997). Il Piano di Gestione non ha l’obiettivo di superare la sola finalità di conservazione, prerogativa del suo precedente status di Museo Archeologico regionale - per rafforzare, invece, le finalità dell’attuale “Parco Archeologico di Morgantina e della villa del Casale”, puntando a una promozione e valorizzazione sostenibile del sito, a una comunicazione dei suoi valori, traendo forza anche – e soprattutto – dal complesso di relazioni sociali, economiche e culturali che emergono dalle connessioni con il più vasto territorio di riferimento in cui è inserita la villa del Casale.
Piano di Gestione del sito UNESCO "Villa Romana del Casale" MANAGEMENT PLAN OF THE UNESCO SITE "Villa Romana del Casale"
Aurelio Angelini
Project Administration
An effective heritage management system must take into consideration three key elements, namely a legal framework of reference that defines the reasons behind its very existence, an institution that gives shape to organizational and decision-making needs, and the human, financial and intellectual resources used to make it operational. Once the aim and meaning of these three key elements have been clarified, it becomes eas ier to plan, implement and monitor the actions identified in order to en sure the conservation and the management of the assets and their asso ciated values in a sustainable manner. The aim of management systems is to achieve results for the benefit of the site and its stakeholders. They include cycles of planning, implemen tation and monitoring to execute activities aimed at conservation, inter pretation and access to the site, including a sustainable use and benefit sharing. Obviously, each management system needs to be reviewed and updated on a regular basis in order to respond to changes in the site and its con text, so that the necessary corrections can be made. Through the powerful work undertaken by Civita for the simultaneous updating of the three Management Plans of the UNESCO sites of “Val di Noto”, “Syracuse and the Rocky Necropolis of Pantalica” and “Villa Ro mana del Casale” at Piazza Armerina, the aim was to achieve an unprec edented integrated system of the three different Plans, relating to three different contiguous sites. Thanks to this new and extraordinary coordi nation, it will be possible to draw mutual benefits, economies of scale and common strategies that are related for example to the unpredictability of the risk of natural disasters or to fluctuations in financial resources. Particular emphasis should be given to the participatory approach used in the drafting of the three Management Plans, through the shared under standing of the site, and its identity, by all stakeholders who were involved in the construction of technical contributions. The latter is a prerequisite to be involved in management processes and also the foundation of that efficiency in terms of responsiveness that only the continuous exchange of outcomes and outputs can ensure, fuelling the monitoring and repro gramming phases.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.