The transformations that feminisms and the LGBT+ movement have brought to society seem to displace some boys, who tend – almost as a reaction – to reproduce macho, patriarchal and aggressive modes of mascul ini ty, of ten discriminating and victimising others. In particular, at school, the peer group seems to constitute a 'community of practice' that tends to reinforce a t radi t ional representat ion of masculinity, in the absence of alternative and more inclusive cultural models. With regard to this, a complex gender education intervention seems desirable, mainly addressed to males in the age of development, with respect to which specific initial and in-service training of teachers is necessary, in order to make them aware of the relational dynamics between students, between teachers, between teachers and students.
Le trasformazioni che i femminismi e il movimento LGBT+ hanno apportato alla società sembrano spiazzare alcuni ragazzi, che tendono – per contrapposizione – a riprodurre modalità machiste, patriarcali e aggressive di ma s c h i l i t à , s p e s s o d i s c r imi n a n d o e vittimizzando le differenze. In particolare, il gruppo dei pari a scuola sembra costituire una 'comunità di pratiche' che tende a rafforzare una rappresentazione tradizionale di maschilità, in assenza di modelli culturali alternativi e più inclusivi. Rispetto a ciò appare auspicabile un intervento complesso di educazione di genere, indirizzato principalmente ai maschi in età evolutiva, rispetto al quale è però necessaria una specifica formazione – in ingresso e in servizio – dei docenti, al fine di renderle/i consapevoli delle dinamiche relazionali tra studenti, tra docenti, tra docenti e studenti.
Formare i docenti per insegnare la pluralità del maschile
The transformations that feminisms and the LGBT+ movement have brought to society seem to displace some boys, who tend – almost as a reaction – to reproduce macho, patriarchal and aggressive modes of mascul ini ty, of ten discriminating and victimising others. In particular, at school, the peer group seems to constitute a 'community of practice' that tends to reinforce a t radi t ional representat ion of masculinity, in the absence of alternative and more inclusive cultural models. With regard to this, a complex gender education intervention seems desirable, mainly addressed to males in the age of development, with respect to which specific initial and in-service training of teachers is necessary, in order to make them aware of the relational dynamics between students, between teachers, between teachers and students.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.