This research explores the relationship between educational innovation and assessment practices, examining how the adoption of new teaching methodologies can influence assessment processes within schools. A multi-case study conducted in three Catalan schools participating in the educational innovation program "SUMMEM Project," which is based on interdisciplinary methodologies, transversal skills, and inclusive teaching, analyzes various levels of assessment practice configuration. It investigates the teachers' assessment approach, the assessment program, and the assessment tasks, exploring the link between assessment and the teaching-learning process. The goal is to understand how assessment practices are transforming and how teachers' assessment competencies are evolving to make teaching, learning, and assessment processes more inclusive and formative.
Questa ricerca esplora il rapporto tra innovazione educativa e pratiche di valutazione, analizzando come l'adozione di nuove metodologie nell'insegnamento possa influenzare i processi di valutazione nelle scuole. Uno studio multicase condotto in tre scuole catalane, partecipanti al programma di innovazione educativa "Progetto SUMMEM", basato su metodologie interdisciplinari, competenze trasversali e didattica inclusiva, esamina vari livelli di configurazione delle pratiche di valutazione. Si indaga l'approccio valutativo degli insegnanti, il programma di valutazione e i compiti valutativi, esplorando il legame tra valutazione e processo di insegnamento-apprendimento. L'obiettivo è comprendere come le pratiche di valutazione si stiano trasformando e come le competenze valutative degli insegnanti stiano evolvendo per rendere i processi di insegnamento, apprendimento e valutazione più inclusivi e formativi.
Pratiche Valutative nell’Innovazione Educativa: Un’Analisi Multicase nelle Scuole Catalane.
Martinez Maireles, David
This research explores the relationship between educational innovation and assessment practices, examining how the adoption of new teaching methodologies can influence assessment processes within schools. A multi-case study conducted in three Catalan schools participating in the educational innovation program "SUMMEM Project," which is based on interdisciplinary methodologies, transversal skills, and inclusive teaching, analyzes various levels of assessment practice configuration. It investigates the teachers' assessment approach, the assessment program, and the assessment tasks, exploring the link between assessment and the teaching-learning process. The goal is to understand how assessment practices are transforming and how teachers' assessment competencies are evolving to make teaching, learning, and assessment processes more inclusive and formative.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.