Dipartimento di Ingegneria e Architettura
Aerobic granular sludge treating shipboard slop: Analysis of total petroleum hydrocarbons loading rates on performances and stability
2018-01-01 Fabio Corsino, Santo; Campo, Riccardo; DI BELLA, Gaetano; Torregrossa, Michele; Viviani, Gaspare
Analysis of Extracellular Polymeric Substances and Membrane Fouling of a MB-MBR Treating Shipboard Slops
2017-01-01 Campo, Riccardo; Mitra, Shibam; DI BELLA, Gaetano
Assessment of a fast method to predict the biochemical methane potential based on biodegradable COD obtained by fractionation respirometric tests
2020-01-01 Argiz, L.; Reyes, C.; Belmonte, M.; Franchi, O.; Campo, R.; Fra-Vazquez, A.; Val del Rio, A.; Mosquera-Corral, A.; Campos, J. L.
Bench scale continuous coagulation-flocculation of saline industrial wastewater contaminated by hydrocarbons
2020-01-01 Paolo, Bruno; Campo, R.; Giustra, M. G.; De Marchis, M.; DI BELLA, Gaetano
Bench scale continuous coagulation-flocculation of saline industrial wastewater contaminated by hydrocarbons
2020-01-01 Bruno, P.; Campo, R.; Giustra, M. G.; De Marchis, M.; Di Bella, G.
Biological activity and fouling analysis of a moving bed-membrane bioreactor for the treatment of shipboard slops
2016-01-01 Campo, Riccardo; DI BELLA, Gaetano
Comparison between two Moving Bed-Membrane BioReactors (MB-MBRs) for the treatment of real saline oily wastewater
2014-01-01 Campo, Riccardo; DI PRIMA, Nadia; Freni, Gabriele; Giustra, MARIA GABRIELLA; DI BELLA, Gaetano
Cultivation of aerobic granular sludge for the treatment of saline wastewater
2016-01-01 Campo, Riccardo; Corsino, Santo Fabio; Torregrossa, Michele; DI BELLA, Gaetano
Cultivation of granular sludge with hypersaline oily wastewater
2015-01-01 Corsino, Santo Fabio; Campo, Riccardo; DI BELLA, Gaetano; Torregrossa, Michele; Viviani, Gaspare
Does the feeding strategy enhance the aerobic granular sludge stability treating saline effluents?
2019-01-01 Carrera, P; Campo, R; Méndez, R; Di Bella, G; Campos, J L; Mosquera-Corral, A; Val Del Rio, A
Efficient carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus removal from low C/N real domestic wastewater with aerobic granular sludge
2020-01-01 Campo, R.; Sguanci, S.; Caffaz, S.; Mazzoli, L.; Ramazzotti, M.; Lubello, C.; Lotti, T.
Enhanced aerobic granulation by stepwise increase of salinity
2016-01-01 Campo, Riccardo; Corsino, Santo Fabio; Torregrossa, Michele; DI BELLA, Gaetano
Fish-Canning Wastewater Treatment by Means of Aerobic Granular Sludge for C, N and P Removal
2017-01-01 Campo, Riccardo; Carrera-Fernandez, Paula; DI BELLA, Gaetano; Mosquera-Corral, Anuska; Rio., A Val del
Il pre-trattamento chimico-fisico delle acque di slops
2016-01-01 DI BELLA, Gaetano; Campo, Riccardo; Giustra, MARIA GABRIELLA; Freni, Gabriele
Long-term effects of mineral precipitation on process performance, granules' morphology and microbial community in anammox granular sludge
2022-01-01 Polizzi, C.; Lotti, T.; Ricoveri, A.; Campo, R.; Vannini, C.; Ramazzotti, M.; Gabriel, D.; Munz, G.
Microplastics in the Florence wastewater treatment plant studied by a continuous sampling method and Raman spectroscopy: A preliminary investigation
2022-01-01 Becucci, M.; Mancini, M.; Campo, R.; Paris, E.
Performance of a moving bed-membrane bioreactor treating saline wastewater contaminated by hydrocarbons from washing of oil tankers
2016-01-01 Campo, Riccardo; Di Prima, Nadia; Gabriella Giustra, Maria; Freni, Gabriele; DI BELLA, Gaetano
Performances of a granular sequencing batch airlift reactor (GSBAR) treating shipboard slop
2016-01-01 Campo, Riccardo; Corsino, Santo Fabio; DI BELLA, Gaetano; Neglia, Salvatore; Torregrossa, Michele; Viviani, Gaspare
Performances of a granular sequencing batch reactor (GSBAR) treating shipboard slop
2016-01-01 Corsino, Santo Fabio; Neglia, Salvatore; Campo, Riccardo; DI BELLA, Gaetano; Torregrossa, Michele; Viviani, Gaspare
Recovery of structural extracellular polymeric substances (sEPS) from aerobic granular sludge: Insights on biopolymers characterization and hydrogel properties for potential applications
2022-01-01 Campo, R.; Carretti, E.; Lubello, C.; Lotti, T.