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The search for perfect supraglottic airway device: but I still haven't found what I am looking for 2
Tracheostomy outcomes in critically ill patients with COVID-19: a systematic review, meta-analysis, and meta-regression 1
Emergency in obese patients: a reply to SOBA UK 1
Re-Expansion Pulmonary Edema as a Life-Threatening Complication in Massive, Long-Standing Pneumothorax: A Case Series and Literature Review 1
Dubito ergo sum. From philosophy towards prevention of unrecognised oesophageal intubation 1
Human Factors and Airway Management in COVID-19 Patients: The Perfect Storm? 1
Optimising Glidescope performance 1
Follow-up short and long-term mortalities of tracheostomized critically ill patients in an Italian multi-center observational study 1
Efficacy and adverse events profile of videolaryngoscopy in critically ill patients: subanalysis of the INTUBE study 1
Category-1 caesarean section, airways and Julius Caesar 1
Airway management for one lung ventilation during COVID-19 pandemic: a survey within Italian anesthesiologists 1
Core Topics in Airway Management 1
Tracheal intubation in critically ill adults with a physiologically difficult airway. An international Delphi study 1
Efficacy and Safety of Deep Sedation and Anaesthesia for Complex Endoscopic Procedures-A Narrative Review 1
Pneumologia interventistica. Competenze e training 1
Weighting (also) the risk of post-operative nausea and vomiting in bariatric surgery: time for opioid free anesthesia 1
A view on pediatric airway management: a cross sectional survey study 1
Radiologic Imaging of the In Vivo Position of the New Supraglottic Airway Device Spritztube® in an Adult Patient-A Case Report 1
Survey of Knowledge and Attitudes about Obstructive Sleep Apnoea Among Italian Anaesthetists 1
A way forward in pulmonary aspiration incidence reduction: ultrasound, mathematics, and worldwide data collection 1
How Do I Prepare Myself and My Staff for a Difficult Airway? 1
Time to monitor cuff pressures and to start "thinking supraglottic" 1
Aerosol boxes for airway management in coronavirus disease patients: a clinical retrospective study in Mexico 1
Loco-Regional Anesthesia for Pain Management in Robotic Thoracic Surgery 1
Endobronchial Intubation With the King Vision® and McGrath® Laryngoscopes in Simulated Easy and Difficult Airways by Novices (eKingMath) 1
Transmuscular quadratus lumborum block versus serratus-intercostal interfascial plane block: the game has just begun 1
Preoperative assessment of adults undergoing elective noncardiac surgery: Updated guidelines from the European Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care 1
Perioperative Rhabdomyolysis in Obese Individuals Undergoing Bariatric Surgery: Current Status 1
The influence of the COVID-19 pandemic on videolaryngoscopy: a cross-sectional before-and-after survey 1
Emergencies in obese patients: a narrative review 1
The myth of Atlas and the basic principles of airway management: devil is in details 1
Peri-operative management of neuromuscular blockade 1
Ultrasound-guided transmuscular quadratus lumborum block for perioperative analgesia in open nephrectomy 1
Totale 34
Categoria #
all - tutte 89
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 89

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2024/202534 0 0 0 0 0 34 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 34