Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 252
NA - Nord America 2
Totale 254
Nazione #
IT - Italia 250
US - Stati Uniti d'America 2
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 1
SE - Svezia 1
Totale 254
Città #
Lentini 117
Trecastagni 48
Tremestieri Etneo 17
Milan 9
Acireale 8
Delia 6
Catania 3
Gela 3
Messina 2
San Lucido 2
Cleveland 1
Gravina di Catania 1
Huddinge 1
Padova 1
Rome 1
Sant'Anastasia 1
Turin 1
Totale 222
Nome #
Special education teachers: the role of problem-solving coping strategies in the relationship between thinking styles and distance education attitudes, file dfbd111e-3d1d-d2a2-e053-3705fe0a62ee 23
Didattica a distanza: risorsa o limite? Stili cognitivi e strategie di coping di insegnanti di sostegno alle prese con la DAD durante la pandemia da COVID-19, file dfbd111e-3a2f-d2a2-e053-3705fe0a62ee 15
Identificare la plusdotazione mentale: proprietà psicometriche della CPM, file dfbd111e-3a92-d2a2-e053-3705fe0a62ee 15
The relationship between contextual and dispositional variables and well-being and hopelessness in school context, file dfbd111e-3aa1-d2a2-e053-3705fe0a62ee 11
The antecedents of teaching styles in multicultural classroom: teachers' self-efficacy for inclusive practices and attitudes towards multicultural education, file 5094d1d2-5411-41f8-821a-c9088d2c9db9 10
Controllo psicologico degli insegnanti, supporto all’autonomia e rendimento: il ruolo di mediazione di Learned Helplessness e Mastery Orientation, file dfbd111e-3a94-d2a2-e053-3705fe0a62ee 10
Attitudes toward disability among preservice special education teachers: the role of attachment style and empathy, file 0c4cc3f1-18bb-41ec-bd70-ca42d425d4a9 9
The relationship between socio-cognitive skills and ethnic prejudice in preservice special education teachers, file 3bbea362-182c-42f7-9498-b96ba7b91e85 8
Perceived Psychological Control and School Learned Helplessness: the role of frustration intolerance as a mediator factor, file dfbd111e-3a98-d2a2-e053-3705fe0a62ee 8
The relationship between school-basic psychological need satisfaction and frustration, academic engagement and academic achievement, file dfbd111e-3a9a-d2a2-e053-3705fe0a62ee 8
The mediating role of maladaptive perfectionism in the association between perceived psychological control and learned helplessness, file dfbd111e-3c42-d2a2-e053-3705fe0a62ee 8
Problematic internet use and academic achievement: a focus on interpersonal behaviours and academic engagement, file dfbd111e-3c45-d2a2-e053-3705fe0a62ee 7
L’Almost Perfect Scale-Revised: un contributo all’adattamento italiano, file dfbd111e-3a95-d2a2-e053-3705fe0a62ee 6
School Alienation and Academic Achievement: The Role of Learned Helplessness and Mastery Orientation, file dfbd111e-3a9e-d2a2-e053-3705fe0a62ee 6
School refusal in students with low academic performances and Specific Learning Disorder. The role of self-esteem and perceived parental psychological control, file dfbd111e-3acc-d2a2-e053-3705fe0a62ee 6
Special Education Teachers: The Role of Autonomous Motivation in the Relationship between Teachers' Efficacy for Inclusive Practice and Teaching Styles, file f26ef032-3760-4d8d-8e35-bbf09b772b8d 6
Creativity, emotional intelligence and coping style in intellectually gifted adults, file 68e0d708-19fd-426b-b41e-371a8dc817af 5
L’influenza dei fattori individuali e contestuali nel processo di adattamento dei minori stranieri non accompagnati, file dfbd111e-3b67-d2a2-e053-3705fe0a62ee 5
Il ruolo di mediazione del perfezionismo personale nella relazione tra perfezionismo familiare, autostima ed engagement, file dfbd111e-3c3f-d2a2-e053-3705fe0a62ee 5
Teaching style and academic achievement: the mediating role of Learned Helplessness and Mastery Orientation, file dfbd111e-3c41-d2a2-e053-3705fe0a62ee 5
School Refusal and Absenteeism: Perception of Teacher Behaviors, Psychological Basic Needs, and Academic Achievement, file dfbd111e-3c44-d2a2-e053-3705fe0a62ee 5
Benessere psicologico E Tolleranza alla frustrazione: quale relazione?, file dfbd111e-3a93-d2a2-e053-3705fe0a62ee 4
Predicting risk of school refusal: Examining the incremental role of trait EI beyond personality and emotion regulation, file dfbd111e-3a97-d2a2-e053-3705fe0a62ee 4
Gli effetti della mindfulness nella pratica sportiva in età evolutiva, file dfbd111e-3c3e-d2a2-e053-3705fe0a62ee 4
Learned Helplessness e controllo psicologico genitoriale: il ruolo della self-efficacy, file dfbd111e-3c40-d2a2-e053-3705fe0a62ee 4
Il ruolo dei bisogni psicologici di base nella relazione tra i comportamenti degli insegnanti e dei compagni di classe, l’alienazione e il rendimento scolastico, file dfbd111e-3d1f-d2a2-e053-3705fe0a62ee 4
RENDIMENTO SCOLASTICO E TRATTI DI PERSONALITÀ: QUALE RELAZIONE?, file dfbd111e-41e8-d2a2-e053-3705fe0a62ee 4
The Italian Version of the Family Almost Perfect Scale: Psychometric Characteristics and Relationships with Academic Engagement, Self-Esteem, and Personal Perfectionism, file dfbd111e-43fc-d2a2-e053-3705fe0a62ee 4
Need-supportive and need-thwarting interpersonal behaviors by teachers and classmates in adolescence: The mediating role of basic psychological needs on school alienation and academic achievement, file 128c669f-0028-49dd-babe-d9cb24482499 3
Psychological variables linked to hesitation toward vaccination against COVID-19 among late adolescents and young adults: The role of magical thinking and right-wing authoritarianism, file ca5f923a-fcb7-4124-87af-b87406731e7c 3
The Relationship Between Frustration Intolerance, Unhealthy Emotions, and Assertive Behaviour in Italian Students, file dfbd111e-38e9-d2a2-e053-3705fe0a62ee 3
Construction and validation of an Italian dysfunctional beliefs questionnaire, file dfbd111e-3a96-d2a2-e053-3705fe0a62ee 3
Identifying giftedness: Validation of an Italian language giftedness checklist for teachers and parents, file dfbd111e-3be1-d2a2-e053-3705fe0a62ee 3
Perceived Parental Psychological Control and Learned Helplessness: The Role of School Self-Efficacy, file dfbd111e-3a9b-d2a2-e053-3705fe0a62ee 2
A psychometric examination of the Learned Helplessness Questionnaire in a sample of Italian school students, file dfbd111e-3a9d-d2a2-e053-3705fe0a62ee 2
The relationship between mathematical achievement, mathematical anxiety, perfectionism and metacognitive abilities in Italian students, file dfbd111e-3aca-d2a2-e053-3705fe0a62ee 2
Learned Helplessness and Learning Goals: Role played in School Refusal. A Study on Italian Students, file dfbd111e-3acb-d2a2-e053-3705fe0a62ee 2
Lo sviluppo psicologico e relazionale dei Minori Stranieri Non Accompagnati in Sicilia. Una ricerca empirica, file dfbd111e-3be4-d2a2-e053-3705fe0a62ee 2
Controllo psicologico percepito e Learned helplessness: il ruolo dell’intolleranza alla frustrazione come fattore di mediazione, file dfbd111e-3cea-d2a2-e053-3705fe0a62ee 2
Bassa tolleranza alla frustrazione e problemi emotivo-comportamentali, file dfbd111e-3ceb-d2a2-e053-3705fe0a62ee 2
Perceived Parental Psychological Control and Learned Helplessness: The Role of School Self-Efficacy, file dfbd111e-3a9c-d2a2-e053-3705fe0a62ee 1
Totale 254
Categoria #
all - tutte 290
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 290

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2021/2022190 0 0 0 0 0 22 117 0 50 0 1 0
2022/202348 0 0 4 3 4 3 2 0 6 0 26 0
2023/202416 0 0 3 3 0 8 0 2 0 0 0 0
Totale 254