Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 579
EU - Europa 390
AS - Asia 132
AF - Africa 6
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 2
Totale 1.109
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 558
UA - Ucraina 108
GB - Regno Unito 85
DE - Germania 56
SG - Singapore 47
SE - Svezia 40
CN - Cina 38
FI - Finlandia 37
HK - Hong Kong 30
CA - Canada 21
CH - Svizzera 21
IT - Italia 20
IR - Iran 6
SC - Seychelles 6
TR - Turchia 6
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 4
FR - Francia 4
IN - India 4
NL - Olanda 3
AT - Austria 2
BE - Belgio 2
DK - Danimarca 2
EU - Europa 2
HR - Croazia 2
SI - Slovenia 2
IE - Irlanda 1
KG - Kirghizistan 1
LT - Lituania 1
Totale 1.109
Città #
Chandler 145
Jacksonville 121
London 77
Boardman 59
Helsinki 35
Singapore 32
Hong Kong 30
Beijing 26
Zurich 21
Bremen 20
Wilmington 20
Toronto 19
Princeton 18
Santa Clara 18
Dearborn 11
Rome 9
Augusta 8
Kocaeli 6
Leawood 6
Palermo 6
Ashburn 5
Monmouth Junction 5
Des Moines 3
Munich 3
Poplar 3
San Mateo 3
Amsterdam 2
Ardabil 2
Brno 2
Brussels 2
Copenhagen 2
Dallas 2
Edinburgh 2
Jinan 2
Olomouc 2
Zagreb 2
Atlanta 1
Bishkek 1
Catania 1
Changsha 1
Charlotte 1
Cincinnati 1
Cormeilles-en-Parisis 1
Dublin 1
Espoo 1
Frankfurt am Main 1
Hebei 1
Hefei 1
Henderson 1
Kunming 1
Lappeenranta 1
Los Angeles 1
Montreal 1
Mumbai 1
Nagold 1
Nanchang 1
New York 1
Norwalk 1
Paris 1
Redmond 1
Redwood City 1
Sabz 1
San Jose 1
Seattle 1
Strasbourg 1
Syracuse 1
Vienna 1
Winnipeg 1
Zanjan 1
Totale 762
Nome #
Comparison between two Moving Bed-Membrane BioReactors (MB-MBRs) for the treatment of real saline oily wastewater 74
Performance of a moving bed-membrane bioreactor treating saline wastewater contaminated by hydrocarbons from washing of oil tankers 71
Il pre-trattamento chimico-fisico delle acque di slops 70
Bench scale continuous coagulation-flocculation of saline industrial wastewater contaminated by hydrocarbons 70
Performances of a granular sequencing batch reactor (GSBAR) treating shipboard slop 68
The role of EPS in the foaming and fouling for a MBR operated in intermittent aeration conditions 68
Start-up of two moving bed membrane bioreactors treating saline wastewater contaminated by hydrocarbons 67
Biological activity and fouling analysis of a moving bed-membrane bioreactor for the treatment of shipboard slops 66
Performances of a granular sequencing batch airlift reactor (GSBAR) treating shipboard slop 62
Study of aerobic granular sludge stability in a continuous-flow membrane bioreactor 62
Does the feeding strategy enhance the aerobic granular sludge stability treating saline effluents? 60
Cultivation of aerobic granular sludge for the treatment of saline wastewater 58
Trattamento biologico delle acque di slop mediante bioreattori a membrana (MBR) 57
Analysis of Extracellular Polymeric Substances and Membrane Fouling of a MB-MBR Treating Shipboard Slops 57
Shipboard Slop Treatment by Means of Aerobic Granular Sludge: Strategy Proposal for Granulation and Hydrocarbons Removal 56
Cultivation of granular sludge with hypersaline oily wastewater 54
Enhanced aerobic granulation by stepwise increase of salinity 54
Study of aerobic granular sludge stability in a continuous-flow membrane bioreactor 51
The role of extracellular polymeric substances on aerobic granulation with stepwise increase of salinity 7
Aerobic granular sludge treating shipboard slop: Analysis of total petroleum hydrocarbons loading rates on performances and stability 4
Aerobic granular sludge treating shipboard slop: Analysis of total petroleum hydrocarbons loading rates on performances and stability 3
Totale 1.139
Categoria #
all - tutte 8.325
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 8.325

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020108 0 0 0 0 0 21 11 34 14 3 25 0
2020/2021193 26 0 19 18 14 19 7 20 0 24 28 18
2021/2022136 0 0 1 34 0 0 0 20 7 17 20 37
2022/2023317 39 23 13 50 27 58 0 28 36 14 24 5
2023/2024203 10 29 18 12 28 2 71 1 0 1 2 29
2024/202599 10 8 21 5 33 22 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 1.139