Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 5.047
EU - Europa 4.713
AS - Asia 1.335
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 37
SA - Sud America 27
OC - Oceania 23
AF - Africa 5
Totale 11.187
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 4.777
IE - Irlanda 1.166
IT - Italia 1.092
UA - Ucraina 955
SG - Singapore 472
GB - Regno Unito 431
CN - Cina 341
DE - Germania 326
HK - Hong Kong 266
CA - Canada 263
SE - Svezia 195
FI - Finlandia 190
CH - Svizzera 167
IN - India 102
FR - Francia 93
TR - Turchia 50
IR - Iran 40
EU - Europa 37
ES - Italia 19
AU - Australia 18
KR - Corea 17
ID - Indonesia 16
BR - Brasile 14
NL - Olanda 12
BE - Belgio 11
TW - Taiwan 11
PL - Polonia 9
CO - Colombia 6
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 6
DK - Danimarca 6
JP - Giappone 6
IL - Israele 5
MX - Messico 5
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 5
RU - Federazione Russa 5
HR - Croazia 4
EE - Estonia 3
EG - Egitto 3
GR - Grecia 3
HU - Ungheria 3
PT - Portogallo 3
RO - Romania 3
AM - Armenia 2
BA - Bosnia-Erzegovina 2
EC - Ecuador 2
MA - Marocco 2
NO - Norvegia 2
PA - Panama 2
PE - Perù 2
RS - Serbia 2
TH - Thailandia 2
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 1
AR - Argentina 1
AT - Austria 1
BD - Bangladesh 1
BG - Bulgaria 1
BO - Bolivia 1
GE - Georgia 1
KG - Kirghizistan 1
LU - Lussemburgo 1
MD - Moldavia 1
SM - San Marino 1
VE - Venezuela 1
VN - Vietnam 1
Totale 11.187
Città #
Chandler 1.190
Dublin 1.166
Jacksonville 935
London 387
Boardman 376
Singapore 312
Hong Kong 266
Toronto 248
Beijing 222
Helsinki 179
Wilmington 171
Santa Clara 168
Zurich 167
Princeton 155
Ashburn 144
Rome 91
Dearborn 74
Milan 67
Redmond 48
San Giuseppe Jato 45
Catania 44
Palermo 43
Kocaeli 42
Naples 42
Cambridge 39
Munich 39
Norwalk 35
Chicago 32
Augusta 29
Cedar Knolls 28
San Mateo 28
Bremen 27
Ann Arbor 26
Leawood 22
Des Moines 20
Turin 18
Fuzhou 17
Bari 16
Los Angeles 14
Monmouth Junction 14
Seoul 14
Zanjan 14
Ardabil 13
Bangalore 13
Reggio Calabria 13
Hefei 12
Redwood City 12
Brussels 11
Padova 11
Kunming 10
Messina 10
Nanjing 10
Paris 10
Cagliari 9
Espoo 9
Florence 9
Jakarta 9
Ottawa 9
Sydney 9
Taranto 9
Washington 9
Gioia del Colle 8
Giugliano In Campania 8
Seattle 8
Warsaw 8
Bolzano Vicentino 7
Cassino 7
Edinburgh 7
Fiumefreddo Di Sicilia 7
Frankfurt am Main 7
Hanover 7
Hsinchu 7
Jaipur 7
Macerata 7
Mumbai 7
Pune 7
Sant'Anastasia 7
Andover 6
Bogotá 6
Bologna 6
Brescia 6
Brno 6
Chieti 6
Copenhagen 6
Falls Church 6
Mascalucia 6
Newark 6
Perugia 6
Piscataway 6
Putian 6
Rivello 6
Amsterdam 5
Auckland 5
Domodossola 5
Fairfield 5
Falkenstein 5
Imola 5
Madrid 5
New Delhi 5
Philadelphia 5
Totale 7.456
Nome #
Le ontologie pedagogiche dell'Educazione Motoria 288
La didattica interdisciplinare in educazione fisica: una rassegna della letteratura 259
Il corpo come mediatore didattico nell’apprendimento della letto-scrittura 217
Verso la Physical Literacy: percorsi di riflessione e ricerca di senso nella pratica dell’educazione fisica nella scuola primaria 149
Assessing the impact of a physical education project based on games approach on actual motor competence primary school children 149
Tactical Games Model as curriculum approach at elementary school: Effects on in-game volleyball technical improvements 114
Riflessioni sull’utilizzo dei Tactical Games Model nella scuola primaria 112
I disturbi dell’apprendimento matematico. Orientamenti per l’insegnamento ad alunni disabili 106
Assessment of gross motor developmental level in Italian primary school children 104
Self and physical activities in early adolescence: an action research with middle-school students 103
A Neuro Fuzzy approach for Student Module of physical activity ITS 101
Educazione motoria, exergames e apprendimento vicariante 100
60 Fichas de psicomotricidad 99
Assessing the effect of different teaching strategies on students’ affective learning outcomes during volleyball lessons 97
Analisi posturali in un campione di bambini e adolescenti sedentari 96
L’influenza delle emozioni morali sulle decisioni in condizioni di incertezza 93
Effect of two didactic approaches of physical education on the enjoyment’s levels: Comparison between the traditional method and the Tactical Games Model 92
Psicologia dello Sport 91
Assessing the impact of gender and sport practice on students ‘performance required in team games. 90
Aprendizaje Motor 87
Knowledge of situational probabilities and decision making processes in volleyball players 87
Examining the Influence of Different Physical Activity Training on the Postural Stability of University Students 87
Stili attentivi e prestazione sportiva 86
Blood lactate levels and attentional processes 86
Baropodometric exams in a sample of 30 obese children (7-9 years of age) | [Esame baropodometrico in un campione di 30 bambini tra 7 e 9 anni con segnali di obesità] 85
Assessment of balance abilities in elderly people by means of clinical test and low-cost force plate 85
Assessing Standing Long Jump Developmental Levels Using an Inertial Measurement Unit 84
A study on physical activities and lifestyle in a sample of middle school students 83
Analisi dell'attenzione in un campione di giocatori professionisti di calcio 83
Aprendizaje y motivaciòn en el rendimento deportivo 81
L’utilizzo degli exergames in educazione fisica per il potenziamento delle abilità di equilibrio in bambini della scuola primaria 81
Analysis of possible differences in female and male profile of the canoe polo players 80
L'infortunio nel calcio 79
Il probe detection task e il bias attentivo: un’indagine sperimentale sulle espressioni facciali delle emozioni 78
Disabilità e territorio. La realtà italiana 78
Investigaciòn en Psicologìa de la Actividad Fisica y del Deporte 78
Stress, adattamento interpersonale e prestazione sportiva 78
Stili attentivi e prestazione sportiva 77
Mental disability, sport experiences and physical education 77
Motivational factors, physical self-concept and sport participation in early adolescence 77
Processi di apprendimento, informatica e comunicazione 76
Premessa - (prefazione) 76
Caratteristiche psicologiche e profitto nell’esame computerizzato 76
Offensive Strategies in the European Football Championship 2012 76
Personalidad y deporte 75
A study on the three-points shooting biomechanical posture and its effects on basketball players 75
Performance analysis as tool to support the teaching didactic 75
Technical performance profiles in the European Football Championship 2016 75
A networked embedded computing plattform for physical activity assesment 74
Il ruolo della colpa nel ragionamento emozionale 74
Inhabilidad y actividad motriz en la escuela de la infancia: desde la idea de integraciòn hasta la realizaciòn de acciones educativas 73
Le attività motorie e sportive nei processi di apprendimento e socializzazione 73
Il ritardo Mentale e l’educazione motoria 73
Itinerarios didàctico-pedagogicos en la labor educativa de la actividad motora y deportiva 72
Internal jugular vein valves: an assessment of prevalence, morphology and competence by Color Doppler Echography in 240 healthy subjects 71
Biomechanics approaches in the training of rugby to improve the forwards pack scrummaging performance 71
Il ruolo dell’attenzione nelle attività sportive 71
A time-space distribution analysys of action in foil atheltes: a preliminary study on 2011 World Championship 70
A mixed-method approach for the assessment of fundamental movement skills in physical education 70
Hypothesis of a didactic and experimental research protocol focused on sport-play experience during childhood in Italy 69
La funzione dell'educatore motorio-sportivo in ambito socio-educativo 69
Analysis of Italian female athletes’ presence at Modern Olympics 69
Tecnicas de relajamento 69
Analisi degli effetti di un protocollo di attività motoria mediato dagli exergames sui livelli di competenza delle abilità motoria fondamentali in bambini della scuola primaria 69
Small-Sided Games and Technical Skills in Soccer Training: Systematic Review and Implications for Sport and Physical Education Practitioners 69
Sport female activity in ancient times. Methodological aspects in female athletic training in ancient times 68
Experimental research in motor and sport activities field in primari school in Italy: an integrated model of action research and descriptive research 68
Comparison of product and process oriented model accuracy for assessing countermovement vertical jump motor proficiency in pre-adolescents. 68
Physical Activity Vs Pathologies: a "therapeutic-fitness" rehabilitation course 67
Universities and schools. An integrated model of research on sport and motor in education field 66
Postural control in young soccer players: differences between the cognitive approach and ecological-dynamic one 66
Exergames for physical education: an overview about interaction design perspectives 65
Sport activities and intellectual disabilities in the school 64
Analisi delle percezioni sul mercato del lavoro regionale e sulle competenze d'accesso necessarie in laureandi in Scienze motorie della Sicilia 64
The performance analysis in volleyball: study on the usefullness of the libero 64
The influence of sensorial-motor activity of learning development in elementary school 64
Assessment of balance in dual task approach using Wii Balance Board 64
A study on balance ability levels among youths with different physical activity background 64
Attività motorie nella terza età: considerazioni generali e fattori condizionanti 63
La valutazione dell’attenzione: dalla teoria all’applicazione in ambito sportivo 63
Psicologia y Pedagogia del Deporte 62
Computerised Notational Analysis in Italian elite soccer team 62
Study on the relationship between energy expenditure of students and teaching methods of motor and sports activities in primary school in Italy 62
KorePAS: an Open-Source approach for Performance Analysis in Soccer 62
Revisione sistematica sull’utilizzo di tecnologie digitali per la valutazione del movimento in educazione fisica e in scienze motorie e sportive 62
Research of a possibile definition of a canoa polo player profile 61
La formazione docenti nell’alternanza scuola-lavoro. Esperienze nella Sicilia centro-occidentale. 61
Study on the knee angle size effect in the successful first tennis serve 61
Attentional abilities, problem solving skills and coping styles in handball players 61
Understanding the impact of sex and year of training on musculoskeletal fitness components in youth water polo players 60
Sport, Disabilità e Performance Analysis 60
Evaluation of the pattern of proximal and distal occlusion and collateral circulation of lower limb arteries using combined contrast arteriography and color doppler ecography 60
Performance analysis of free-players in volleyball: study on the usefullness of the libero 60
Motivazioni, aspettative e adattamento verso l’esame al computer 60
Social integration and sport practice of students with intellective disability 60
Totale 8.280
Categoria #
all - tutte 73.995
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 73.995

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020835 0 0 0 0 0 174 94 207 104 59 190 7
2020/20211.680 159 5 159 177 46 181 36 287 87 226 142 175
2021/20221.079 20 28 14 319 7 10 24 179 33 191 96 158
2022/20233.539 361 400 234 560 382 400 99 268 426 113 237 59
2023/20242.337 114 266 143 149 362 89 450 108 36 59 267 294
2024/20251.235 103 194 343 126 383 86 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 11.328